Geographic Information Systems


What is GIS?

In the strictest sense, a GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information , i.e. data identified according to their locations ~ USGS-Geographic Information Systems

What aspects of Remote Sensing make it useful in GIS?
  • Satellite Images are in raster format

  • Reflectance values of satellite images are numerical, allowing for quantitative analysis

  • Many GIS have analytic capabilities that enable information to be extracted digital imagery

  • Attribute information about geographic entities are stored in database format allowing for queries to be made about spatial relations

  • Information extracted from remotely sensed data can be stored as individual GIS layers

  • GPS data can be more easily incorporated into a GIS using remote sensed imagery as a visual framework

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Applications of GIS using Remote Sensing
Applications of Geomatics for Long Term Regional Archaeological Settlement Pattern Analysis - a research project from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in the Burgundy region of France. Provides samples of imagery and analytic applications.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - Using Remote Sensing and GIS to manage, develop, and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and economically sound manner

National Park Service - Using Remote Sensing and GIS for Wild Land Fire Management

ALADO - Commercial site with links to applications that use a combination of GIS and remote sensing.

An Integrated Approach to Groundwater Exploration in Developing Countries Using GIS and Remote Sensing-An interesting paper written by members of the US Army Corp of Engineers describing a full analysis

Adaptive Short-term Water Quality Forecasts Using Remote Sensing and GIS - American Water Resources Association - Study that focuses on using Remote Sensing and GIS to improve water quality forecasts.

CEITA GIS Online Projects and Demos - An interactive application site with links to a few different projects.

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GIS Data Resources
MassGIS - Massachusetts GIS data center

GIS Data Depot - free and low cost GIS data

Cornell University - Links to GIS data by state. Many states have remotely sensed image GIS data layers

USGS - Products and Publications including links to DEM's and satellite imagery

ArcData Online - ESRI's Internet Mapping and Data Site - Configured to search for data by Geographic Location, Data Type, or Data Provider

U.S. Census Bureau - National GIS data including Tiger files

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General Information about GIS
USGS - Information regarding basic GIS components - More info on GIS

ESRI - Commercial site about GIS components - also contains links to GIS applications and a map gallery, many of which use remotely sensed imagery to solve geographic problems

GRASS GIS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System) - An open source Geographical Information System

Geographic Resource Solutions - Commercial site providing information about GIS and Remote Sensing

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Information on this page was attained from the following sources:

Kiefer, Ralph W. and Lillesand, Thomas M. Remote Sensing. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2000

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