This page provides links to download PDF reports describing the findings and methodologies used to to identify the geographic and demographic characteristics of communities across New England that are:

  1. overburdened by current transportation-related emissions and related externalities;
  2. at increased risk for heat island effects, which is exacerbated by climate change and transportation related air pollution;
  3. likely to experience evacuation risks and other transportation-related vulnerabilities resulting from flooding, extreme weather, and other climate stressors, and
  4. underserved by current public transit infrastructure or services and overburdened by transportation related costs.

Executive Summary of Investing for Equity: Using an Environmental Justice Approach to Guide Transportation and Climate Investments Interactive Tool (29MB)

Full Report (all states) of Investing for Equity: Using an Environmental Justice Approach to Guide Transportation and Climate Investments Interactive Tool (29MB)

State-level fact sheets

State-level full reports

State-level technical reports (analytic methodology and data sources)